“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
Claude Bernard
Journal Publications
Bellini T. (2016). The Forward Search Interactive Outlier Detection in Cointegrated VAR Analysis. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 10 (3), 351-373.
Bellini T. (2013). Integrated Bank Risk Modeling: A Bottom-up Statistical Framework. Journal. European Journal of Operational Research, 230 (2), 385–398.
Bellini T. (2013). Robust Credit Stress Testing Through a Cointegrated Framework. Selected Issues in Statistical Methods and Applications in an Historical Perspective, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Bellini T., Riani M. (2012). Robust Analysis of Default Intensity. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56 (11), 3276-3285 (1st issue of the Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, Sixth Special Issue on Computational Econometrics).
Bellini T. (2012). Forward Search Outlier Detection in Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (1), 200–207.
Bellini T. (2010). Detecting Atypical Observations in Financial Data: The Forward Search for Elliptical Copulas. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 4 (4), 287–299.
Grossi L., Bellini T. (2006). Credit Risk Management through Robust Generalized Linear Models. Data Analysis, Classification and the Forward Search, pp. 377-386. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Book Chapters
Bellini T. (2019). Introduction to Expected Credit Loss Modelling and Validation.
Bellini T. (2019). One-Year PD.
Bellini T. (2019). Lifetime PD.
Bellini T. (2019). LGD Modelling.
Bellini T. (2019). Prepayments, Competing Risks and EAD Modelling.
Bellini T. (2019). Scenario Analysis and Expected Credit Losses.
Bellini T. (2017). Introduction to Stress Testing and Risk Integration.
Bellini T. (2017). Macroeconomic Scenario Analysis from a Bank Perspective.
​Bellini T. (2017). Asset and Liability Management, and Value at Risk.
Bellini T. (2017). Portfolio Credit Risk Modelling.
Bellini T. (2017). Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Stress Testing.​
Bellini T. (2017). Regulatory Capital, RWA, Leverage, and Liquidity Requirements Under Stress.​
Bellini T. (2017). Risk Integration.
​Bellini T. (2017). Reverse Stress Testing.
Bellini T., Bocchi, L. (2013). Portfolio Credit Risk Modelling. Retail Credit Risk Management. Palgrave Macmillan UK, Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions.
Bellini T., Bocchi, L. (2013). Stress Testing, Capital Planning and Risk Integration. Retail Credit Risk Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions.
Bellini T., Riani M. (2010). Un modello statistico per l’analisi della dipendenza temporal dei tassi bancari dai tassi Interbancari. Excel per la finanza e il management, 273-303. Alpha Test, Milano.